Show one of the forms of acceptable identification and sign the poll book to obtain your ballot:
A nonexpired Missouri driver or non-driver license;
- A nonexpired military ID, including a vetern's ID card;
- A nonexpired United States passport; or
- Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election. ​
*If the driver or non-driver license has expired after the most recent general election, it is an acceptable form of voter ID.
If you do not possess any of these forms of identification, but are a registered voter, you may cast a provisional ballot.
Your provisional ballot will count if: (1) you return to your polling place on Election Day with a photo ID; or (2) the signature on your provisional ballot envelope is determined by your local election authority to match the signature on your voter registration record.
If you cast a provisional ballot, you will receive a stub from your provisional ballot envelope with instructions on how to verify that your provisional ballot is counted.
Prior to the second Tuesday before an election, or at any time when requesting an absentee ballot to return by mail, absentee voters must provide one of the following reasons for voting absentee:
Absence on Election Day from the jurisdiction of the election authority in which such voter is registered to vote;
Incapacity or confinement due to illness or physical disability on election day, including a person who is primarily responsible for the physical care of a person who is incapacitated or confined due to illness or disability and resides at the same address;
Religious belief or practice;
Employment as an election authority or by an election authority at a location other than such voter’s polling place, a first responder, a health care worker, or a member of law enforcement;
Incarceration, provided all qualifications for voting are retained.
Certified participation in the address confidentiality program established under sections 589.660 to 589.681 because of safety concerns.
Mail in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than the 5:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday prior to any election. Voters can vote by absentee in the office of the local election authority until 5:00 p.m. the night before the election.
Voters requesting an absentee ballot by mail who have registered by mail and have not voted in person are required to submit a copy of their personal identification unless they provided a copy with their registration application. Examples of acceptable identification are:
A nonexpired Missouri driver or non-driver license;
A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
A nonexpired United States passport; or
Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.
This identification requirement, as well as the notary requirement for absentee ballots, does not apply to overseas voters, those on active military duty or members of their immediate family living with them or voters who are permanently disabled and their caregivers.
From the second Tuesday before an election to the day before the election, you may vote a no-excuse absentee ballot in person at a location designated by your local election authority.

Who is eligible?
Missouri voters that are part of the United States Uniformed Services, National Guard, Federal Service, their spouse or dependent; any active military member, whether stationed in the United States or overseas can use the Military and Overseas Voting Access Portal.
Missouri voter currently overseas